2019小学六年级英语作文:A report
来源:网络资源 文章作者:网整理 2019-03-07 21:07:14
2019小学六年级英语作文:A report
Here is a report about my class.Because i think do chores is important for student to develop their independence ,so i do this report . In our class,have fourteen students are making the bed and taking out the rubbish,they are so happy when they over do these.And ten students are doing the dishes and walk the dog,because i love animals,i think take the dog for a walk is so good,of course,they feel interesting.Then ,sevens students are cooking and washing clothes,so they think these so boring they think they should learn to took after themselves.Next.,four.students never doing homework,i think they are so lazy ,and they feel .that do homework are so tring,but i don‘t think so.In our future ,we will all have a lot of things to meet,so we must learn to do these,and develop our independence,because the eariler kids learn to be independence,the better for their future. So come on!we will be pround of ourselves.
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