来源:网络 文章作者:匿名 2009-11-19 08:43:57
1. Read everything before doing anything.
2. Put your name in the upper right hand corner of this paper.
3. Circle the word name in sentence two.
4. Draw five small squares in the upper left hand corner of this paper.
5. Put an X in each square.
6. Put a circle around each square.
7. Sign your name under the title of this paper.
8. After the title write "yes. yes. yes."
9. Put a circle around sentence number seven.
10. Put an X in the lower left hand corner of this paper.
11.Draw a triangle around the X you just made.
12. On the back side of this paper, multiply 603 by 66.
13. Draw a rectangle around the word
14. Loudly call out your first name when you get to this part of the test.
15. If you think that you have followed directions carefully to this point call out I have.
16. On the reverse side of this paper add 8930 and 9805.
17. Count out in your normal speaking voice:
18. Underline all even numbers on this side of the paper.
19. Say out loud:" I am nearly finished. I have followed directions."
20. Now that you have finished reading carefully, do only sentence one and two.
1. 读完再动手。(用得着等都读完吗?一共就4分钟时间,还不赶快做?!)
2. 在这张纸的右上角写上名字。(赶紧写吧,还等什么?在右上角写上:xxx)
3. 将第二句中的“名字”一词画上圈。(圈上)
4. 在纸的左上角画上五个小正方形。(画五个)
5. 在每个正方形上打一个X。(叉上)
6. 在每个正方形外面画一个圈。(圈上)
7. 在这张纸的标题下签名。(签上XXX)
8. 在标题后面写上“对。对。对。”(写上,三个)
9. 将每七句话画个圈圈上。(圈上)
10. 在这张纸的左下角写一个X.(写X)
11. 将刚写的X用三角圈上。(X外面画一个三角)
12. 在纸背面做乘法:603乘以66.(翻过纸,赶紧做,答案是39798,你对了么?)
13. 将第四句话中的“纸”字用长方形框起来。(找第四句,框上“纸”字,用长方形哦!)
14. 做到这里,请大声说出你的名字。(不带姓的,同学们纷纷叫出自己的名字)
15. 如果你认为你是仔细地根据指令在做,请叫出来“我是!”(一片叫声)
16. 在纸的背面做加法:8930加上9805.(再翻过纸加吧。这个简单,不说答案了)
17. 用正常语速数出来:从十到1,倒着数。(别正着数哦!)
18. 在这张纸上所有偶数下划线。(认真找哦,别漏了)
19. 大声说:“我快做完了。我听指令了。”(好多同学都在大声说这句话)
20. 既然你已经认真读完了,只做第一条和第二条。(晕!其它的都白做了!)
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